Site search on vodafone.nl and ziggo.nl
In the Netherlands, almost everybody knows VodafoneZiggo, so it’s not surprising that its websites have strict requirement regarding speed, uptime and security and fast reliable site search is also a must have to lead our visitors to the right content. Pandosearch is the proud supplier of the site search on VodafoneZiggo’s websites. In this customer case, Reinier Klapwijk, product owner at VodafoneZiggo talks about the collaboration with Pandosearch.
Reinier Klapwijk about Pandosearch
Pandosearch continuously indexes our websites (vodafone.nl and ziggo.nl) and ensures that all the content we think is important is displayed immediately in the search results.
The biggest advantage is that visitors get where they need to be very quickly. This is vitally important for a website this size. As an example, you could think of the launch of a new iPhone: we want visitors to get to the order page immediately.
What I really like is the Pandosearch admin module where our admins can control the crawlers, add relevant search keywords and much more. This kind of functionality proves a lot of freedom. For example, after launching a new campaign, we are now sure that new content pops up in the search results immediately. That has brought us a lot.
We have had some complicated issues in the past, especially since we are in the process of integrating two websites into a new platform. We have noticed that the engineers on the Pandosearch side are very experienced, and assist us wherever necessary. Also, they were not afraid to say, “you know, you can do it that way, then you’ll have a quick-and-dirty solution quickly, but remember that in the long run this will cause problems.”
My team noticed that the Pandosearch engineers know their product inside out, which allows them to think along on a technical level as well and give good advice on how we can best implement things.